Top Ten Twitter Tweets of May 23, 2020


Good Authoring Day to YOU 

Holy Moly, 40 years ago this May, I was sitting in a movie theater, munchie on my popcorn favorite when the lights dimmed on the screen, the prologue scrolled from the bottom to the top—a technique few had experience—I was hooked for the next two hours and became a fan of George Lucas. Where were you when The Empire Strikes Back first screened? The B movie lives on!

As I was working on this Twitter blog Thursday afternoon at 4.30, my doorbell rang. When I opened it, I young man with a pleasant smile said, “For Judith …” and gave me this:

A lovely surprise from the outrageous author and Texan, Connie Munde. Perfect for a flower lover and gardener. I will soooooooo enjoy them.

As usual, the Virtual Author Happy Hour was fun yesterday … we’ve added a password to the Zoom link to push back on the wretched hackers that are Zoombombing randomly. If you participate next week, you need to contact me for a link and password.

And … my Speaking Unplugged is not slated for Friday and Saturday June 26-27 in Denver. Details are on my website under Events: We will be setting it up for “space” between seats.

Have a good week. How about planning a “campaign” of some sort? It can be to sell your book, eBook, audiobook … or a “gather” of doing something for someone else, a group, or a cause. How about getting out of the house—block an hour and just walk your neighborhood. Wave to your neighbors; stop and chat for a few minutes; pull a few weeds along the way (take a bag to gather them in); marvel as spring unveils its magic. It’s a good thing to do.


Love the new group of authors-to-be in my How to Write a Book in 4 Weeks online class. Nine participants range from San Francisco, CA –Lawrence, KS – Mesa, AZ – Denver, CO – Vancouver, CAN … love the mix and match that surfaced. It’s intense … yet fun. This week is Week 3. Titles are secure … some have domains … email signatures altered to include books… lots to writing going on!

Alert to all of you  who are VIP AuthorYOU membersthe MAY second Saturday AuthorYOU Salons of the year is slated for June will be either live or virtual. As it gets closer to June 13th gets closer, decisions will be made. Either way, it starts at 8.30 a.m., ending at 10.30 a.m. That’s Mountain time.



Take care of yourself …


Friday mornings are the place to be with other authors! I love the Friday coaching that happens early each Friday AM. I always have a “new tip” for the group, then it opens up to “catch up” and “asks”. Become a subscriber so you can get 

Friday Coaching for less than a weekly glass of wine; for less than a weekly Bacon, Egg & Cheese Biscuit – Combo at Chick-fil-A; for less than 3 movie tickets! ALERT …we do this on Zoom … you need to connect with me. Only $27 a month—limited amount of subscribers allowed. We gather via Zoom at 7 AM. The dress? Totally casual. Get on board –it’s fun and informative … and you get all questions answered. This is for any author anywhere! 

Register here: 

THIS WEEK on  Author YOU  – Your Guide to Book Publishing: the theme is always author, writing, and publishing success. Debra Jason and I revealed step up things to do to your LinkedIn accounts. Tune to Laugh and Learn.

Listen in to this podcast with host Judith Briles.

Tune in for the LIVE show at 6 Eastern, 5 Central, 4 Mountain, 3 Pacific and for our out-of-the-country members and followers … you are going to have to do the clock crunching for your time zone at You can also go to the Home page of, scroll down and click on any of the past shows—just click and are instantly there!  With over 100,000 downloaded podcasts each month from around the world, you are in good company! 

Here are your Top Ten Tweet for the past week 

Tweets are faster than a speeding bird … below are The Book Shepherd’s® Top Ten Tweets from the past week that you may have missed …

Author, Publishing and Resource Success

  • As Pandemic Impacts Business, Frugal Bookstore Offers a Silver Lining In Boston | @WBUR

  • Thanks @ibpa for capturing the Smashwords story! FYI to readers, the “upcoming” ebook launch tool @markcoker references in the article is Smashwords Presales, and the tool is now live.…

  • U.K. bookshops need to ‘build resilience’, bookseller warns | @thebookseller

 Social Media and Marketing Strategies 

  • Woot for authors on LinkedIn … customize your URL to max online searchability. Love tip to tap into your name and keyword that takes 30 seconds. AuthorU-Your Guide to Book Publishing podcast via @mybookshepherd @debrajason… #LinkedIn #authors

  • NEW BLOG:”It’s Time to Claim Your Book Award by Judith Briles” The International Book Awards is open for entry until May 31. read more… #thebooshepherd #bookawards #bookbooast #author success

  • One of the biggest #mistakes, when #books aren’t selling, is often the #title. Unfortunately, many #authors don’t even realize it. For a title check, read this article: Secrets to #Writing a Title That Sells (Step-by-Step)… #bookwriting 

Writers & Writing

  • If you aren’t clear what your message is, how are you going to convey it in your book? #bookwriting #success #selfpublishing

  • Writing sweet, clean and wholesome #romance ? New genre report from @k_lytics… (ad) #bookmarketing

  • Whether you’re writing a literary novel, a psychological, medical, legal or spy thriller, or even a cozy mystery, for a novel to be engaging, it must center on human conflict and disturbance. Here’s what you need to know. 

Cool Things, FUN Things & OMG Moments

‘The Empire Strikes Back’ hit theaters forty years ago, on May 21, 1980. And no Jedi mind tricks are needed to make the case that without the groundwork laid by one of the best sequels ever, ‘Star Wars’ wouldn’t be the force that it is now.” -@blowrytv



Remember … you can listen to over 300+ programs that AuthorYOU Founder Judith Briles has created for your book and authoring success: , scroll down and click on any of the past shows—just click and you are instantly there! Or you, subscribe directly on iTunes: 


The Book Shepherd®