Dr. Judith’s Saturday Blog – Be A Doer … Not a Dreamer

                                                                Quotas Be Damned 


Don’t let your words … your writing … be sabotaged by quotas.

The quota demands that you must write so many words a day.

The quota demands of writing every day.

The quota demands of writing so many hours a day.

The quota demands that specific genre books must be so many words.

Quotas be damned.

Do what is the “fit” for you, your writing, your book … not someone else’s.

And breathe.


Dr. Judith Briles is The Book Shepherd … Publishing  & Book Marketing Expert, Coach, Consultant … Author of 43 books including How to Avoid Book Publishing Blunders, her memoir When God Says NO, and her historical fiction debut The Secret Journey. Subscribe to her Tuesday and Saturday blogs on her website, https://TheBookShepherd.com.




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