Retirement – Can You … or Can You Not?

Quick—have you thought about what you will do when your nursing career ends? When you retire, how much money will you need . . . a million dollars? More, much more? Or less? How long will it take you to accumulate the funds to seed your future? What do you want to do...

Put Your Money Where Your Mouse Is!

Contrary to popular belief, women and money do go hand-in-hand. The current perception is that most women continue to be tentative about managing their finances, either online or off, because historically, men have handled the majority of the family’s finances....

Money Smart Investing ABCs

Investing is like gardening—plant seeds, water, cut blooms and remove weeds. Some of the plants flourish, some die. Investing, like flowers, can’t be successful unless a seed is planted. If a weed grows, like a poor investment choice, it needs to be removed.  The...

Money Attitudes

Can money buy happiness?  Yours—or a close friend or loved one?  Most think so, especially the young and those who have received lump sums that usually come as gifts or through inheritances.  Truth be told, it doesn’t last long for many.  It’s easy to say,...

Leaving Home … and Returning … Guidelines

Most parents will experience a time when their kids are anxious to be on their own.  And sometimes it’s only because they want their own “place”, free from parental oversight.  Freedom, they think, is bliss—no one to answer to, but themselves.  And to this end, they...

Is Your Pension Safe?

The media is loaded with reports of pensions going the way of the Do-Do bird. With the recent bankruptcy filing of Delta Airlines, no one knows what Delta’s employees will get when it comes time to retire. What they do know is that it won’t be what they thought it...