Oh, what a tangled web they weave … publishing predators are breeding with the surge of authors now by-passing traditional publishing. Over half of books published today are by the self and indie publishers. Traditional publishers are taking notice and are now...
Too, too many authors abandon the book ship early in the process. And what do they do? Many start another book—maybe a variation of what they just did. And what will happen when they finish? Most likely, abandonment. In effect, you’ve become an unfit author/book...
Are you ready to take your writing, your manuscript, your book to Publishing Success? Would you be willing to invest two afternoons over a Friday and Saturday to get all the publishing and strategy information you need … information and strategies that will...
Should You Use Footnotes, Endnotes or No Notes? Footnotes and endnotes are used in printed documents to explain, comment on, or provide references for text in a document. You might use footnotes for detailed comments and endnotes for citations of sources. The...
Since last year, I, along with others, have been scratching our heads on what to do about Amazon … the Advantage program has been on hold since last May — it was the single, easiest way to get the non-POD version of a book up on Amazon and start the marketing process....
Does Your Book Suck … or Soar? For the Publishing at Sea event each winter, I must supply a copy of each book that each author will sell on the ship. The “gatekeeper” gives her thumbs up and okay. What would the book need to do to get the approval? She wanted to see...