There are only 10 seats left … is one YOURS? Join me in COLORADO for the first annual Book Marketing Unplugged event, a two-day intensive to help you develop your own unique marketing game plan along with creating and absorbing a kick-butt, yes I can do it, execution...
AuthorYOU SALONs are TODAY … perfect for authors located in Colorado—happens in my living room. Coffee and Tea are on me – bring ideas and questions … always—you leave with ideas and answers. If you are in the Denver area, drop by … it’s the AuthorYOU Salon a...
Get ready to snap, crackle and truly POP using the social media platforms for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram PLUS how to get to your ideal target market. It all happens this month. Those who heard Karen Liz Albert at the April AuthorYOU meeting in...
It’s been an overwhelming month for many … Are you a tad worn out from all the Holiday parties, schmoozes, and food? I am … and looking forward to settling down and working with manuscripts and authors. Maybe some hot soup would hit the spot! Colorado authors: COME ON...
Author Smarts:Getting Comfortable with Discomfort Wouldn’t it be the cat’s meow if your authoring, publishing and writing worlds were cozy and comfortable? Wouldn’t it be? But rarely is it. For many authors—we excel at create discomfort. Yup, sometimes for ourselves …...
Is the Publishing World Turning? Yes, yes it is … Publishing is morphing on a daily basis … If you are a new author, you’ve got publishing questions. Plenty of them. If you are an already published author, you should have publishing questions. Plenty of them. As...