I had plenty of take-aways from Judith Briles Book Publishing Unplugged last week. Some old, some new.
Yes, it was three intensive days for 47 of us.
Yes, it was loaded with plenty of new, hands-on info and author and book marketing tools.
Yes, it was an over-load of material and how-tos.
Yes, there was lots of laughing, eating, playing, working. Each came away with a detailed Judith Briles Book Publishing Unplugged Workbook that supported in detail all the items taught within the three days.
1 One of the consistent reinforcements is the need to revisit and keep learning. What you hear, or think you get, may have a new twist to it that could just lead to a huge leap for an author. I knew that … but most authors don’t. The Unplugged attendees get it.
2 It’s essential for authors to hang out with other authors–no matter what stage of “the game” an author is at. I knew that … but most authors don’t. The Unplugged attendees get it.
3 It’s critical “to get” that publishing is a business and is work. Oh boy, it is ever! I knew that … but most authors don’t. The Unplugged attendees get it.
4 Branding of the Author as the pivotal point is ground zero in marketing and positioning. From the author website, to email signatures, to signings, to One-Sheets to basically all things that has the author name and book on it and how the author reaches out to the public. I knew that … but most authors don’t. The Unplugged attendees get it.
5 Social Media is essential –yes, much is over the head, especially in the beginning … but it can be learned. It’s like the never-ending story, it keeps coming and it keeps changing. As Pat Morgan, author of The Concrete Killing Fields said and a repeat attendee said, “If I had done this work before my book was published, I would have had had far more success.” My take–It’s never too late! I knew that … but most authors don’t. The Unplugged attendees get it.
6 Tools for Authors, Publishing, Publicity and Marketing are everywhere. They are not a “one size fits all”–it takes some hunting and using to determine which works best for any author and genre. I knew that … but most authors don’t. The Unplugged attendees get it.
7 Get help. Authoring and Publishing are overwhelms. When I have the pleasure to work one-on-one with them, I confess, I do overwhelm them with the “to dos” and “what needs to be done” items. Authors need to figure out where their weak spots are; what their time is worth; if they got someone to do what they don’t want to do and/or need help in pronto–can they get something else done that has greater value and just relieves them from the overwhelm. Author Virtual Assistants may be the missing link. I knew that … but most authors don’t. The Unplugged attendees get it.
8 If an author is to succeed, he or she must get, must embrace, that this is a life-long learning curve that will have twists and turns as long as the author wants to be a book selling author or a positional expert in their specialty. I knew that … but most authors don’t. The Unplugged attendees get it.
As attendee Tamara Shiloh said,
“One thing’s for sure, you cannot put a price tag on what you taught us this past weekend. I was tired as hell from all the information you provided when I walked out of there. And it’s not so much what you provided, which was unbelievable, but it was your presentation style that was so dynamic and fun and heartwarming.
I really felt how passionate you are about helping us become almost as savvy and powerful in our writing careers as you are. You WANT us to succeed. It felt like you were insisting on it. Seriously. And talk about telling it like it is, you, Sista Girl, do that well.”
Next year’s Book Publishing Unplugged dates will be June 23-25 in Denver, Colorado. A new Unplugged event surfaces later this year: Judith Briles SPEAKING Unplugged that will deep-dive into creating a speech, workshop or event around an author’s book and/or expertise. Space will be very limited. There will be intense coaching throughout. The dates are November 10-11 and details are HERE.