Here’s your author tidbits and ahas for the weekend … Book Clubs are great way to connect with readers and sell books–lots of them. Here’s a directory to start your search … don’t forget the Google Gods-search there as well....
The follow is an email received by participants in the past month from about the changes in taxes that will be charged on digital products—meaning eBooks—that are sold in Europe. What it means is that if your eBook sells for $9.99 U.S., to net the amount...
A short reminder to be thing both print and “E” for this year. I’m a Print Dudette—I like books that I can touch, feel even smell! You may be, or you may be an “E” Dude or Dudette. It doesn’t matter. What we authors need to “get” is that we should/need at least...
Typically, most view January as the month of Resolutions. I suggest you don’t. Why—simply this: most Resolutions are trashed within a few weeks of making them. It’s estimated that over 75 percent of resolutions are quickly side-stepped. What are the top reasons... started in Denver, Colorado via a group just five years ago. It’s evolved to include members in many states and even a few outside of the United States. One of the “hot” newish places to hang out, plan an event (I’m doing a two-parter on...