It’s a new, new year … and a new, new decade. The savvy author revisits the “blurb” that is included with every email that is generated. Does yours have some snap, crackle, and pop to it? My question for you, again, is: What’s in Your eMail...
When it comes to gathering publicity for yourself and your book, I have two big questions for you: Do you sometimes feel absolutely clueless as to what goes in a press release … and for that matter, why you should care? Do you know what’s the difference between...
Hello Cyber Marketing World. By this time, you’ve noticed hashtag happiness on social media as posters put the pound sign (#) in front of words or phrases to designate a specific topic—and noted that phrases are usually combined as one loooooooong word before...
Finally, I took a little time and crafted a “shout out” for myself … with the help of the Publicity Hound Joan Stewart, a press/media release was created abound the multiple book awards that Author YOU: Creating and Building Your Author and Book Platforms has won....
Yowsa … and The Book Shepherd have an extraordinary BookCamp popping next weekend, Saturday the 15th … it’s our end of the year gift to you. How to Create Killer Book Publicity that Sells Books Far Beyond Your Launch on a...