Secret Success Sauce for Authors and Authors-to-be For authors, we all have an ideal of what author success would look and feel like. To get where you want to be in your vision, there are a variety of “unwritten rules” that will lead to authoring success. And then the...
Always Be Your Author Best … Really? Think about failure. Think about shifts. Think about change. And rethink about success … what is it rooted from? Can you? Will you? If you are believing that everything you do … you create … you write...
Are There Book Sales via Book & Crafts Fairs Plus Farmers Markets in Your Midst? Yep, it’ still COLD out there in some parts of the country … but book marketing for late Spring and the Summer should be starting NOW … Gulp … OK … what’s and author to do if there is...
Too, too many authors abandon the book ship early in the process. And what do they do? Many start another book—maybe a variation of what they just did. And what will happen when they finish? Most likely, abandonment. In effect, you’ve become an unfit author/book...
Authoring … what a journey. Highs and lows. Hopes and fears. Tears and joy. And a journey that requires perseverance. It’s the magic word that creates the buzz … the book sales … the author success. If that’s “the lottery”, then...