I know where all be on Saturday, September 7th … do you? Any author who has been around me know that I say it’s all about the marketing. Yes, you need a good book. But unless you push it out, it will die a slow death. Saturday, September 7th is all about adding the...
30 Sizzling Tips for Authors Pops this Week … and We Are Going to Sea! I have six questions for you today. 1 Would you like to know instantly … I mean instantly … what the keywords and key phrases that the top influencers in your industry or the best-selling...
Join us for a webinar on Jul 11, 2017 at 4:00 PM MDT. Register now! https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8243926363111827969 On Tuesday, July 11th (6 ET, 5 CT, 4 MT, 3 PT.) … 30 awesome and Hot Publishing Ahas and Tips from six amazing publishing pros:...
Day 4 … we are in San Juan Puerto … I’m ready to hit the streets this afternoon after our AM sessions that Joan Stewart, the Publicity Hound walks everyone through the creation of a press release and Kelly Johnson, the Author’s Virtual Assistant reveals in Tech Tools...
I started off the morning with how to write a One-Sheet for an Author, your Business or your Book that is SLICK, CLICK and TICKS … walking everyone through a process to create theirs, then revealed step-by-step what I went through as I created mine this past week. And...