The 8 Options for Author & Publishing Learning … What’s Best for You? Last month, I led and participated in my first live, in-person event. This month, I’ve had two. Next month, there will be two more and in October, there will be a live AuthorYOU Extravaganza....
This week is a personal favorite of mine. Thursday is a family day–most are gathering at my daughter’s home for cooking and movies. Social distancing has been in play since the Spring and are safe in getting together, something that they haven’t done...
You have THREE MORE DAYS to save moneys. Early Bird Registration ends on August 17 Have you heard some of the speakers before? Yes indeed. Are they presenting new material? Yes indeed. Are there new Speakers. Yes indeed. The Extravaganza is an investment in...
I started off the morning with how to write a One-Sheet for an Author, your Business or your Book that is SLICK, CLICK and TICKS … walking everyone through a process to create theirs, then revealed step-by-step what I went through as I created mine this past week. And...
Today, I kicked off the morning with Author Success Tools and Tips. I went through the essential differences between traditional publishing and self-publishing. For me, it’s about Quality, Control, Timing and Money. Meaning how do you want your book to look and feel;...